Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentine's Day

I decided to carry on a Wilkins Valentine tradition this year. It was fun to make these big sugar cookies, and I was even happier when Phil told me how good they tasted on Sunday!

I also carried on my own tradition. It's been going on for probably 8 years now. I make a "fancy" dinner, (chicken cordon blue, asparagus, funeral potatoes, jello and rolls this year)
decorate the table, and end with a delicious trifle. We changed up the trifle a little this year, and it was DELICIOUS!

Makes me hungry just looking at the picture!

The day itself was great. Phil, Mady, Jake and I all spoke in Sacrament Meeting. I was so proud of my family! They all did a great job! At least for me, it was a Spirit filled meeting. And that flowed over into the rest of the day for me. We had some friends over to share dessert with us. They brought a "porcupine cake", very cute!

It was fun to get to know their family a little better. A great end to a fantastic day.


Lindsey said...

Awww, Kolter and I spoke on Valentines Day as well! I bet you guys did awesome :) Give that Mady a hug for me. Was she nervous?

The Modern Daisy said...

That dessert looks amazing! I might need that recipe :)! I miss you guys so much. I love that you guys are getting so much snow...it has been in the 60's here all week and we are LOVING it! Hope all is well!

Eight for Eternity said...

Yummy! You should share your recipes so we all can start our tradition too!

Emma said...

Yum! I still haven't tried your trifle! Your table looks inviting too. Set a couple of extra places next year??? (I wish...)
I would have enjoyed being in that Sacrament Meeting - your kids are growing up!
Miss you! I really do.

Hermana Macy Udy said...

You have a fun Valentine tradition! I am sure the kids appreciate all that you do to make the holidays special, and I am sure the dinner was delicious. You have always been a fantastic cook!

Way cute porcupine!

Mikki said...

mmmmm..... it is 10 at night and now I want something yummy to eat.