Saturday, November 27, 2010


It has been awhile since I last posted. Actually, I think it has been since school started. Which may tell you something. Life has gotten extremely busy for us. I honestly intended to keep up, which actually has kept me from doing new posts, as I feel I need to catch up on everything that has gone on. I am over that now. I will add random pictures from the last three months as I am able, but I am going to continue by moving forward from here on out. So hopefully, now that I am in the swing of things with working at two schools and two callings, as well as my roles as wife and mother, you will be seeing more regular updates on the Wilkins family.
Now that I got that out of my system, I can go to bed! Good night. Know that the Wilkins are still alive out here on the East Coast, and doing fine. The kids are very involved in everything they can, and Phil and I are busy with work and keeping up with callings and kids.
More to come. Soon. I promise.