Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I guess I am showing my age with this post, but oh well.

I am constantly amazed at how technology has changed us as a society. I love technology, don't get me wrong, but I think something needs to be done with the way we communicate. This texting and instant messaging. I think we have forgotten how to talk.

Now don't get me wrong I think those things are great, but when we use them as a first line of communication over actually talking I think we are seriously depriving ourselves.

I think kids today don't know how to spell. Parents and kids talk through text and emails more than they do face to face. It is really quite sad.

What I think is funny is it takes twice as long to type out a message then it would to call and talk to the person and it would be much more personable.

What have we become as a society when we talk more from pushing buttons than we do with using our mouths? I wonder what it will be like 10 years from now?

I know I am sounding like an old person.

Would someone turn the music down!