Thursday, February 26, 2009

What a weekend!

I meant to post this awhile ago, didn't mean to leave anyone hanging!

On Saturday Feb 21st, Phil and I filed our first police report.
It all started about 10:30 when we were watching a movie. We heard something hit the house, and then the front door. We ran over in time to see eggs. Someone had thrown eggs at our house! I bolted out the door and around to the side of the house in time to see some kids climbing into an old bronco. I ran for the license plate, thinking they would drive away. Phil was right behind me, and he banged on the door, then opened it so they couldn't drive away. I called the cops while Phil lectured (and scared) the kids. Inside were six students from the school I teach at, three of them my students.
Apparently a couple of the girls were bored, so they decided to find out where I live and egg my house.
Phil was outside with a hose and a ladder, along with Stu and Mitchell Young, trying to get the egg off the stucco so it wouldn't ruin it. The water froze to the house and sidewalk, that's how cold it was. We were out there till after midnight.
Why did I go into teaching?

The positive note is that most of the students in the school came up to apologize to me, even students I don't know. It made me feel better to know that most of our student body is not like that. There were even fights and threats of fights because of this incident. The saddest part is that only one parent said anything to me. Most of the parents had to drive over and pick up their children, and Phil and I were out there the whole time, but they neither said anything, nor made their student say anything to us. It's no wonder to me the children act that way if the parent refuses to parent.

Anyhow, that was our weekend in a nutshell.


The Modern Daisy said...

Holy cow guys! How frustrating. The most unbelievable part is that none of the parents said anything to you. I can't believe how disrespectful people can be. Big bummer!

Emma said...

I'm just reading about this now. Nice. Gotta love respect. said...

I remember you mentioning that you had gotten "egged" at the Easter Egg hunt... ironically. But, WHOA. Anything that involves raw eggs, a tall ladder, a hose, late at night, in freezing cold weather, all because of junior high punk-aged kids. That is TRAUMA in a nutshell. Lame that only ONE parent actually apologized... I guess the fruit didn't fall far from those trees.