Monday, July 12, 2010

Summer Days at the Park

A week or two ago,I took the kids to the park for the afternoon. We are going to try a different park every week or so this summer. Jake was at scout camp, so he missed out on this one.

This time we went to Southford Falls with the McCurdys. It was a beautiful day, before the heat wave set in. We had a picnic lunch and let the kids play. The river, and especially the falls, were much slower and lower than the last time Phil and I were there, but it was still pretty.

The boys explored the river. They found a large frog. Boys and frogs. Seems we can't get away from them! They wandered up and down the falls on the big rocks. Amazingly enough, they managed to stay out of the water! But they had a blast.

The girls were amazed by the tree that grew in a circle. We were able to get all the kids together for a photo, but had a difficult time getting everyone's attention.Mady is sitting on the lowest part of the trunk. Then it comes up and goes down in the loop that Jackson and Jarrett are on, almost touching the ground before climbing high into the sky. I have never seen a tree like it before.

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