Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Another Teenager???

Yep, that's right. We've got another teenager in the house. Jake turned 13 today. Hard to believe this cute little guy is 13!
It's been a busy and eventful year for Jake, so I thought I would try to recap:

We arrived in Pennsylvania at Sharon and Rob's a year ago today. Exciting way to spend his 12th birthday...onb the road. But Sharon made him a cake, and he had a good attitude about it.
His new friends threw him a surprise birthday party.
He received the Aaronic Priesthood and was ordained to the office of a deacon.
He went on his first winter Klondike campout.
He spent months earning money and preparing for the BSA Jamboree.
He spent two weeks at the National Jamboree, and made memories that will last him a lifetime.
He spent another week at Scout Camp.
He tried out for and was cast in his first school play (and did a good job!)
He started playing the Bass in orchestra. (It is bigger than he is!!!!)
He advanced in rank from Tenderfoot to Second Class to First Class in Scouts, and is well on his way to Star.

I'm sure there is more that I am forgetting, but that's a good synopsis.

Through it all, he has really matured a lot. And somewhere deep in there is the sweet tender-hearted little boy you see in the pictures at the beginning of this post. Occasionally he lets us have a peek at that boy he once was.
But in all seriousness, I am so thankful for Jake. He has taught me so much over the years. And he really is a good hearted boy who just wants to have fun. He has a strong testimony and is deeply rooted in the gospel. And I don't think I could ask for much more than that.

1 comment:

Emma said...

I remember that little boy! Happy Birthday Jake. You da man!