Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Kids Say the Darnedest Things!

Last Saturday night as we were eating dinner, I asked Jackson about the true meaning of Easter. He told me it was because "Jesus got poked by the nails." The rest of the conversation went something like this:
Mom: Then what happened?
Jackson: He died.
Mom: Yep, what happened next?
Jackson: They buried him.
Mom: You're right. Then what?
Jackson: His friends were sad.
Mom: Why were they sad?
Jackson: Because he wasn't there.
Dad: Where was he?
Jackson: (as serious as a three year old can be) At the North Pole!


Not quite the Bradys said...
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Not quite the Bradys said...

Little Mommy(9) used to have a really long and involved theory about that too. Something about how Heavenly Father and Jesus live on the biggest star and that is the North star and they're neighbors with Santa at the North Pole and that's how he knows if the kids have been good or bad. Cuz' Heavenly Father KNOWS. And He tells on us. It was VERY serious. Not a laughing matter.

Kelly said...

Man...I want to be there for talks at your house. I can't wait to hear what he says when he asks where babies come from!

Kelly said...
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