Thursday, October 15, 2009


I've just got to say that tonight was a perfect example of what I am going to miss when we leave Utah. It was a beautiful and unseasonably warm night, and all four kids went out to play night games with the neighborhood kids. They had quite a good group, and stayed out playing until about 9:30. They had such a good time, and it makes me sad to know it may be the last time, at least for a long while...

I love our neighbors and neighborhood, especially how family friendly it is. We aren't sure what kind of neighborhood we may end up in back east, but it will be tough to find one as wonderful as the neighborhood we live in now.

I'm not trying to dwell on what I will miss, but tonight it was hard not to recognize how lucky we are to have lived here for the past nearly four years.

1 comment:

Eight for Eternity said...

I sure do understand your feelings. It is hard to change for sure! The job has made it alot easier for me. It is nice to see your hubby happy when going to work. Try to enjoy all the last moments, they are gone to quick!