Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sports Round-up

So with the coming of fall comes the end of the sports season...whew!

Jackson (number 1) finished his first season of soccer this year. He did really well, scored several goals throughout the season, and had a blast. Most importantly, he got a medal. "My first one". He waited for that all season, and was thrilled to get it Friday night. Needless to say, he wore it most of the weekend, and the ribbon is now filthy! But well loved...

Gabe (number 11) has one more soccer game next Saturday, because they had a bye during general conference. This is his fourth year, and he has really improved. He has amazed me by heading the ball, and is skillful at stopping an attack and turning it around. He has also scored some goals this year. This is his first year playing "real soccer" meaning a full size field with 11 players on the field at a time. His games are a blast to watch. He definitely takes after his dad with soccer!

Jake (number 15) ended his regular season of football games, but they did do enough to make it to the playoffs the weekend of the 24th. This is his fourth year playing football, and he has improved. His coach has said he is one of the few players that improves each year. And he did get more playing time this year, which was nice to see.

Mady finished her fourth year of volleyball regular season on Saturday too. It was a frustrating year for her, as her team has only won one game, but they have gotten better, and we are hoping they can win some during the tournament in two weeks. Mady has continued to get better. Her overhand serve is tons better than her mom's, and she is learning to get control over those bumps. She has also been known to set this year!

Mom is happy that her kids enjoy their sports and are doing well, and even happier that our six days a week of sports is winding down. Gosh, what will I do with all my free time?

1 comment:

Eight for Eternity said...

Way to be a real soccer/volleyball mom. You sound very busy, hope you will have some free time. HAHAHA Your kids are so big, and they sound like a lot of fun! Let me know if you find that free time you speak of. I would like to round some up too.