Friday, November 6, 2009


We had a fun halloween this year, although it was different than any other. We finally let Mady and Jake go out on their own with friends. They had a blast, though they came home a little bit frozen! Phil took Gabe and Jackson at first, while I manned the door, then I joined them for the last little while. They had a good time, and got so much more candy than they need. I finally made each of them put 25 pieces in a ziploc bag, and I hid those away. I'm hoping they can be saved for the long drive we have to Connecticut. If so, it will be the longest their candy has lasted! Here are a couple of pictures of them in costume:

Mady is so creative, she decided to be "The Milky Way" and taped Milky Ways as well as some planets to her shirt. Gabe was the Hulk, and the green goop on his face and in his hair was not easy to get off! Jake was a "Ranger's Apprentice" from one of his favorite book series, I made his cape two days before halloween (nothing like procrastination!). Jackson was going to be Wolverine, but decided to be a skeleton instead. I made his costume, and was quite pleased with how it turned out. It especially looks cool in the dark, as all the white was painted with glow-in-the-dark paint. I even painted his mask to glow. I wish I could have figured out how to take a picture in the dark with his bones glowing, but I am just not that talented with the camera. Oh, well.


Eight for Eternity said...

You are amazing!!! Those costumes are great!! I love the cape, and the skeleton. Where do you find the time???? Way to go Debbie aka super woman!

The Modern Daisy said...

Oh it looks so fun! I'm sad we weren't able to come up. After I talked to you we had some car fun and ended up spending over $1000 last month on car fun. So it was probably a good thing that we didn't come up. Can't wait to see you guys though!