Saturday, May 17, 2008

Gabe's Birthday

So Gabe turned 7 on Wednesday, May 7. On Monday, he came in and asked if his friend Ashton could be invited to his party on Wednesday.
Party? What party? You didn't say you wanted a party!
Yeah, a party with a pinata!
So as any good (or tired, and not willing to fight over it) Mom would do, I quickly planned a simple party for Gabe and 6 or 7 friends for Friday afternoon. Luckily, it was Gabe. He is so easily pleased, and all he asked (once the pinata was vetoed due to the lack of somewhere to hang it from) was to play some games like Musical Chairs! Okay, I can do that. Throw in a couple others like Duck duck goose, pin the tail on the donkey, and Sink the Ship (I call it balloon tag, but whatever), let them decorate some cupcakes, and party planned.

He had a great time. It's amazing how something so simple can make him so happy. I sure appreciate my Gabe and his sweet and giving personality. Life would not be the same without him!


Le said...

Pinata could have been done. I've been to enough of Dan's family parties (yes, there is a pinata at probably half of them) that we could have found a reasonably safe spot. It's all about creativity, baby!!

Tiercy said...

Good job Debbie! I love that is was so lowkey and still a great day for Gabe. And 7 on May 7th is his golden birthday afterall.