Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Slackers for bloggers!

Last night I was chastised that I needed to hurry up and blog already. Well, life has been a little hectic and now that Spring is here (and looks like will end this weekend when Summer decides to show up) I spend more time on my lawn.

Yes, I love my lawn! As strange as it seems it is my therapy. I get to put the Ipod on real loud (usually with Van Halen), pull the string on the mower, shut out the outside world and start cutting.

I am not sure how I went from hating to cut the lawn when I was a kid to loving it now. Maybe it's just the major need of therapy in my life. Maybe each little blade of grass is like hewing down one of life's littles problems, who knows?


Le said...

Ironically that's Dan's personal therapy too. It's the only time that he gets irritated when people come up to talk to him - come on people he's in the zone.

Tiercy said...

Bishop, I think your legs are a little more muscular than your picture. (Am I allowed to say that about my Bishop?) Now I know when I am running past, why you won't wave to me. = > Thanks for the warning.

Mikki said...

If you ever need more grass, mine is there for ya :)

Not quite the Bradys said...

It's workin' for ya. Your lawn looks great. Ours on the other hand.... Since our homeowner saw fit to put in hydroseed and then leave the sprinklers running continuously for two months before we moved in (not making that up, it's true) so that all our seed actually washed away into the back neighbor's backyard, our grass is on strike. It doesn't grow and therefore hasn't needed cutting in over a year. Don't suppose you know how to fix that, do you? Or do you strictly do grass shortening, not lengthening? : )