Thursday, August 14, 2008

He's Taken

Gals, if you are looking for the perfect guy, look no more. He's taken. I know because 15 years ago yesterday I snagged him for my own. (The thing that's totally unfair is that he got to the computer first to make his post.) Yesterday he surprised me by taking off work early. He had called and made an appointment for me to get my hair done, so he drove me down, waited for me, and then took me out to dinner.
Phil, I just want you to know how much I appreciate you and all you do for me. I am sorry for any complaining I do. You are my dearest friend, and my closest confidant. I am just thankful that we found each other, and that I have you by my side through this roller coaster ride we call life. You can still make me laugh. You still amaze me! I love you forever.

(I know....corny. What can I say?)

1 comment:

Emma said...

That's so sweet - I think I'm getting a cavity...
Just kidding. That's darling - you guys have such a great relationship and are such a good example for me and my family. Love you both. Happy 15th!!!