Friday, August 22, 2008

My rant for the week.....

I may have ranted about this before, but this week has become apparent again that people are always looking to blame someone else for the things that have gone bad in their lives. I am not sure why people can't look within and, maybe, just ask themselves what might have they done wrong?

Is that so much to ask? To have a little self reflection? A little look within yourself?

Don't get me wrong, I am not at all saying that I am perfect, because I will be the first person to admit I have a crap load of faults that I am working on.

All I am saying is why can't it just be your own fault that something went wrong or that your kid, heaven forbid, did something wrong. It seems like we live in a day and age that we enable our children to do whatever they want and there are no consequences for their or our choices.

"My kid could have never done that!"

"Oh they were just being kids"

"So and so did this, so this is why things happened the way they did."

Give me a break! Act responsibly!

Make your kids and yourself have consequences for choices that are made.

Again I say, IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK? To maybe look within if you are having a problem instead of looking out at the rest of the world and finding someone or something else to blame.

So there you have it, my rant for the week. Take it for what you will.


Kelly said...

I don't know what your problem is...but at our house..."I didn't do it" seems to work!

Dane said...
