Friday, March 12, 2010


There is something Connecticut has that Utah doesn''s called History. Now I am not saying that Utah doesn't have any history, but (at least the area we lived in) it just doesn't have stories like this:

We live on a road called Josie's Ring. Most of the road is actually hard-packed dirt, it is only paved at the very ends. We are in the sticks. Not the sticks like Eagle Mountain, but if you looked at the pictures of our yard that I posted in December, you'll see it is literally the sticks. Big sticks. Around here they call them trees. Not like the trees in Utah, but towering 60 foot tall trees. And not just one or two, but a forest full. Literally. But I digress...

Silently we have wondered about the interesting name of our street. Did it have to do with a girl named Josie? Maybe a wedding ring? Well this week we were told the story.

The area we live in is an old orchard. (What kind is irrelevant.) It was owned by a man named Josie. He used to light a ring of fire to trap the coyotes in so he could shoot them. One night, Josie set his ring of fire. As the story goes, he was a little tipsy that night. Had a few too many to drink. And ended up burning to death in his ring of fire. Thus, the street through the orchard was named after him, Josie's Ring.

Now that's history. Crazy and fun. Makes our street name just a little more interesting. As much as I love Decrescendo Drive, it just doesn't have that kind of History!


Lindsey said...

So it's haunted! Great!

Hermana Macy Udy said...

That is some good history! And Happy Birthdya to Maddy. She really is a beautiful young lady.

And my email address is Send me any and all of your famous recipes!