Thursday, December 10, 2009

What Can I Say?

It has been an eventful day. We left Sharon and Rob's at 6:00 this morning, and after hitting NYC rush hour traffic, we arrived at our new home shortly after 10:00.
It was one thing after another today. Apparently Monroe got five or six inches of snow yesterday (that wasn't in the forecast). So we had to buy shovels to get the front walk, back patio, deck, and area in front of the garage shoveled. The boys pitched in and did a great job. Then the moving van couldn't unload on our little dirt road, so they determined they would have to get a U-Haul and shuttle our stuff. The first load made it to the house sometime between 1 and 1:30. It is now 10:30 pm, and my sweet hubby is still there with the movers as they finish putting the furniture back together. The rest of us are spending our last night in a hotel, as nothing was ready for today's move-in.
The worst part of the day was discovering how disgusting the previous renters must have lived. How did we discover that, you may wonder. Cuz they left their mess for us to clean up. And the cat's mess as well. Dirty doesn't begin to cover it. Disgusting is a little closer. Nothing was clean. They didn't even take all their junk with them. We are living in a house with baseboard heaters, and they had all sorts of junk stuffed inside and under them. I would have to say the kitchen was the worst. The fridge was gross. The lazy susan had a bag each of flour, sugar, and brown sugar dumped behind the shelves in the corner of the cupboard. I won't say any more. Suffice it to say that it is still not completely clean, although it is definitely better than a few hours ago.
On a more positive note, the house itself is bigger than Phil originally thought. It has a ton of potential, and will do just fine for our family. Good job, sweetie! The yard is great. Despite the snow and the bitter cold, the boys did a little exploring of the yard and the creek running through the back. And the deck off the kitchen is Awesome! It is literally bigger than our family room in our Eagle Mountain house! We are so excited for summer barbecues out there. (While we watch the fireflies among the trees!)
The landlord sounds like he will be good to work with. He has already said he will pay for the paint if we would like to repaint any of the rooms (which we most definitely will...probably ALL of the rooms...) And we will be able to take money off of next month's rent for the cleaning.
I promised pictures, but those will have to wait a few days until the priorities of cleaning and setting up Christmas are taken care of.


The Modern Daisy said...

Oh man! I wish we were able to be there to help you guys! Sounds like a lot of work, but how nice to finally be there and able to settle in. I'm excited for your guys' little adventure. Can't wait to see you again!

Emma said...

Sounds like you were able to make the most of the trip out - some fun stops! I'm sorry your house was such a mess - sounds like quite the ordeal to get moved in. How fun for you to be closer to Sharon and Cheryl though. Jealous. I'm glad you blog so we can keep in touch more than just the occasional phone call. Love you!

Andrea Salvania said...

Oh, the adventures of moving ... I loved catching up on everything your family has been up to the last few weeks. Thank heaven you will all be together over Christmas! We really miss you all, especially this time of year. Can't wait to see pictures of the house- it sounds really cool with all the trees and a stream running through it!