Saturday, January 16, 2010

Memphis' Baptism

This is my sister Cheryl and her family: Addison (who was playing shy), Zak, Memphis, Max, Jason and Logan.

We drove down from Connecticut to Pennsylvania for the weekend so we could attend Memphis' baptism. Memphis is my sister Cheryl's second oldest. I was excited to have my camera with me so that I could take pictures of all the cousins playing together, but unfortunately my camera died after only two pictures. :(

On the up side, the baptism was nice, and the kids had a great time together. My four did not know Cheryl's kids, but the eight of them and Sharon's oldest three ran around like old friends for two plus hours after the baptism. I guess the pictures of them playing together will have to wait until next time we all get together.


Emma said...

Yay! I'm so glad you were able to go down for the baptism! Wish I could have been there! Thanks for posting a pic too. How fun to get to know these cute kids - I can't wait to meet them sometime! I love that three of my sisters were together for this special event. Hope everything else is still going good. Love ya - and miss you too!

Chance's Mom said...

How cool that you could be there for the baptism. Thanks for sharing the pictures.
