Thursday, June 24, 2010


Last night I reconnected with a college roommate. (Facebook does have it's redeeming qualities!) We haven't talked in years, but it was as if no time had passed between us. We "chatted" till late into the night, and reminisced about the "old days" when life was simple. I was lucky enough to have good roommates with whom I made some great memories.
Karrie reminded me of a time when I was working on a paper for a class when a couple of my roommates, who were goofing around, knocked the plug for the computer out of the outlet. This was in the early days of the computer, when autosave didn't prevent loss of information. She was amazed at how well I handled that situation. It made me think.
Where did that patience go? Because if you asked my kids, I doubt they would tell you they have seen that kind of patience out of me. And really, who deserves my patience more than the fruit of my loins?
Alright, so I know it's in there. Buried deep within me is the patient gal I used to be. Now the next step is to pull her out and dust her off. She is probably a little rusty, too, so a little "oil" might be necessary (I recommend chocolate). But nevertheless, she is in there somewhere. And it's time she kicked out the tired, impatient old grump I am becoming and take back over!
Thanks Karrie!

1 comment:

Harrison Happeningz said...


I felt the same way - it was so great to reconnect! Perhaps it's the army brat attitude in us that makes it so easy to pick up where we left off 18 years ago (please correct my math if I'm wrong - the thought of it being such a high number is making me hyperventilate!!)

May I add a little to your story???

After Kori and I unintentionally "pulled the plug" on your paper - you got over the shock pretty fast and just started retyping. I was amazed!! No lectures, no dirty looks (astounded and shocked looks, but nothing that would kill 2 deserving roomies) I even commented on your cool-headedness and you're response was something to the effect of, "what else can I do?". You were focused and got right back on the bandwagon in order to meet your immediate deadline (the paper was due in a few hours).

I don't keep a journal, and I still remember this experience!

Don't be too hard on yourself and the "mom patience" or "lack there-of". You're probably better than you give yourself credit for.

Your blog did make me smile and shoot for a day of increased understanding with my own children (and when I say "day" I mean TOday, not SOMEday).

Looking forward to catching up on your life in the blog fashion!
