So I thought I would include a few fun facts about today's journey. We drove from Grand Junction, Colorado to Topeka, Kansas. What a long, boring drive!
By the numbers:
4: Bathroom breaks (not including lunch and dinner)
4: Number of times Jackson sang "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" (down from yesterday)
5: Number of tunnels we went through
9: The lowest temperature we encountered today
42: The high temp of the day
7: Frozen waterfalls (not counting the springs coming out of the rock)
12: Number of signs warning about deer
5: Total number of deer we saw
0: Total number of deer we saw within range of the signs
5: Number of ski resorts we saw from the road
1: Number of half pipes we saw (Copper Mountain ski resort- very cool to watch)
5: Number of ice fisherman
792: Number of miles we drove
13: Number of hours driving (including stops)
Coolest thing we saw:
Bronco Stadium
Strangest Named thing we passed:
Republican River (in Colorado)
Funny questions Jackson asked:
Are we almost to Lehi?
Are we in South America?
Are we in the United Steaks?
Things we learned from Jackson:
Penguins live on the frozen Colorado River (that's why it IS frozen!)
Funniest Conversation:
Gabe: Why didn't you say Hollywood? That's where all the babes are!
Jackson: What are babes?